Add-Migration allocation_units angular angular6 azure Background Call build-tools core C# dell docker docker image donet ef dotnet dotnet ef @eaDir echo ef EntityFramework EOF error find firewall git index kill light codes linux Luci merge mssql msvs_version MySql network ng build node-gyp node-sass openvpn OpenWRT partitions size PK powershell PR Primary Key pull request size sp_who2 sql SSH synology t-sql tables Thread ThreadPool Threads tips ubuntu unifi Update-Database vpn windows-build-tools wpf xev xmodev

To be able to change anything from another thread on the WPF window, you can use the Dispatcher.


Define function inside Your CodeBehind or ModeView

private void InvokeOnWindow(Action action)
    System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, action);

